Widow Jane Mine & Snyder Estate
We are a 500 "seat" venue based in the Widow Jane Mine, a 19th-centry Rosendale, NY natural cement mine housed on the Snyder Estate. The cavernous room and pillar construction creates a natural amphitheatre with amazing acoustics and unobstructed audience views due to the sloping floors. The audience faces the stage with a pond as backdrop. Light filters in from 4 openings to the outside.
Acoustics are unique and ideal for unamplified or lightly amplified music and human voice. We can park up to 150 cars plus room for staff. Handicapped parking is accompdated near the mine entrance. The audience brings their own chairs and blankets but we do have a limited number of plastic chairs. Keep in mind the mine runs about 55° year around so sweaters are necessary for guests and staff.
We have basic house lights and electricity via a generator. Most performers provide their own lighting and sound. Through grants and donations in 2023, we hope to acquire more sophisticated equipment.
The 22 acre Snyder Estate was the ancestral home of the Snyder family with the main house built by Christopher Snyder for his son Jacob L. Snyder and his wife Catherine Hasbrouck. The estate has a slip connecting to the D&H canal as well as kilns built in 1837. A self-guided tour is available and we invite you to walk the trails and back in history to when 100s of workers toiled to extract the limestone which ultimately ended up building the Booklyn Bridge and countless other national landmarks.
Facility Rentals
Our performance season runs from June 1 to November 1, though we will consider off-season events. The table outlines the types of events and occasions we have hosted in the past. Click on each for more information.
<Weddings | Film Production | Music Recording |
Performances | Gatherings | Special Projects |
All rentals require certificate of insurance, a signed contract, security deposit and non-refundable deposit to hold the reservation.
Direct inquiries to events@widowjanemine.com or 845-204-5481